#eye #eye


Tasting Sounds/Visuals + Hearing Flavors

Mitch Lamoureux, Photography


Future Bloom Multisensory Installation
infarm x Factory Berlin
Creative Direction | Visuals | Composition

Audiovisual translation of 2 cocktails by infarm + Phoebe & The Gang at ‘Future Bloom’ event at Factory Berlin. 


Sound Tasting Live Translations
Vorspiel/Transmedial CTM Festival
Creative Direction | Visuals | Composition


Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 
Radical Neuroscience 
Presentation | Performance


Sound Tasting
Dining experience with Noise Engineering 
Composition | Live Performance
Chefs of Noise Engineering, Kris Kaiser + Stephen McCaul

Seven course dining experience with music translating flavors of every dish.  Performance in layers playing each ingredient, one at a time.


Interactive Syaesthesia Installation 
SF Neurodiversity Project
Creative Direction | Visuals | Creative Tech | Sound Design

Dr. Joel Salinas, MD Harvard Neurologist, Original Sounds


Dr. Joel Salinas sees numbers and hears sounds from visuals.  For this installation, he was sent a series o gifs and asked to send audio recordings of the way he heard these visuals, and explain what numbers he saw in detail e.g. ‘the 0 and 9 hug each other’.  For the event, participants were able to touch different graphics on the interactive audio poster that launched audiovisuals through a projector.


Synaesthesia Dance Experience
4D Multisensory Show
Branding | Performance | Event Production 

‘Guzzle’ - taste to sounds and visuals
Concept | Sound Design | Performance
Visual Projections, Mike Strauss

Fully funded kickstarter campaign for a multisensory synaesthesia dance show featuring 8 performances translating different forms of synaesthesia.  Supported by Building Bridges Art Exchange and The IASAS.


Interactive Flower Wall Installation
Berlin-LA Festival 2017
Concept | Creative Direction | Sound Design | Experience Design

Mado Kelleyan, Graphic Design
Interactive Poster, Novalia

An immersive installation translating how I translate flavors to sounds and visuals.  People were offered flower shaped sugar cookies with floral graphics, and hibiscus tea to complete the floral theme.  


Synaesthetic Research Performance
The Arts Institute of California - Hollywood
Creative Direction | Sound Design | Performance

Participants were fed a series of different types of food while performing audiovisuals of what each flavors looked and sounded like.